The proceedings are available here: Proceedings of SALT 26.
All papers presented at the main or the special session of the conference will be published in the SALT 26 proceedings. As with preceding years, this volume will be edited by Cornell University and published by the Linguistic Society of America.
Thanks, Cornell and LSA!
All instructions for submitting to the SALT 26 proceedings can be found in the
zip file.
Papers will not have DOIs until published, but example references can be found in SALT 25's bibliography: salt25.bib
Depending on your bibliography style, a plaintext reference to a SALT proceedings publication might look like the following example from SALT 25:
Snider, Todd & Adam Bjorndahl. 2015. Informative counterfactuals. In Sarah D’Antonio, Mary Moroney & Carol-Rose Little (eds.), Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT) 25, 1–17. LSA and CLC Publications.
BibTeX referring to SALT 26 papers should have these fields:
volume={26}, editor={Moroney, Mary and Little, Carol-Rose and Collard, Jacob and Burgdorf, Dan}, ISSN={2163-5951}
(Thanks to Mary Moroney for these suggestions!)
Please email your proceedings-related questions to the team at Cornell (their address is in the instruction packet you received), not to